Impact of jhum burning on air quality and human health in Mizoram, India


Deterioration of air quality, which is an alteration of atmospheric chemistry by pollutants from natural and anthropogenic sources is of major global environmental concerns today. The sources of deterioration of air quality in Mizoram is mainly due to shifting cultivation or slash and burn agriculture or jhum burning, one of the main form of agriculture and livelihood of the villagers. Large amounts of air pollutants are emitted during prescribed forest fires (jhum burning). Unlike wildfires, prescribed fires are intentionally ignited in order to maintain ecosystem health and minimize adverse impacts of long-term fire suppression while protecting property. However, jhum burning has resulted in many forms of pollution, directly and indirectly hampering the natural environment .The need to understand the effect of jhum burning and the consequences not only on soil, but on air and human health is important.

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