Congratulations our former Presidents

We, the Mizo Academy of Sciences, are proud of our former presidents for their recent achievements that happened in 2018.

  • Prof. Lalnundanga, former President (1997-1998), who had been Director of Director of Human Resource Development Centre and Director of IQAC at Mizoram University, was appointed Registrar of Mizoram University.
  • Prof. Lalnuntluanga, former President (2008-2010), who had been Head of the Department of Environmental Science at Mizoram University, was appointed as Controller of Examinations, Mizoram University.
  • Dr. K. Pachhunga, founder President (1995-1996), who had been Associate Professor at Lunglei Government College, was elected MLA from Lunglei South Constituency in the Mizoram General Election 2018.
  • Mr. L. Thangmawia, former President (2001-2003), who had been Head of the Department of Mathematics at Pachhunga University College, was elected MLA from Lengteng Constituency in the Mizoram General Election 2018.
  • Prof. F. Lalnunmawia, former President (2006-2008), who is professor in the Department of Botany at Mizoram University, was elected MLA from Aizawl South III Constituency in the Mizoram General Election 2018.